
Scoring Discrepancies

Scoring Discrepancies – here’s what to do.

Despite all the improvements in scoring, discrepancies still happen from time to time.  As you may expect there are rules in place on how you get a score corrected. This article includes the rule and describes the remedy available.

Rules for Entering a Score – What you should know

Rule 9.3. Both north-south and east-west players need to ensure that correct scores are entered. If entry of incorrect scores continues a score of average minus may be given to both sides.

While the North-South pair are responsible for entering the result, the East-West pair are equally responsible for checking the score is entered correctly so that any errors are corrected before the result is submitted. 

Whilst it is tempting for East-West pairs to assume the North-South pair are responsible for scoring, the East-West pair are equally responsible. For this reason, both pairs should carefully check all the details: Contract, Direction, Trick Count, Lead information. The Bridgemate will verify the lead information against the hand record which prevents the contract and direction errors but the trick count can only be verified by the East-West pair.

You found an incorrect Score – What you should do…

Despite both pairs’ efforts an error has occurred and you notice it when checking the results. 

In Duplicate Games – Player error

Rule 9.4. A pair reporting a perceived scoring anomaly has the responsibility of checking the accuracy of the requested alteration with their opponents before a report is made to the Director. If the other pair are not Waverley Bridge Club members the Director or Manager may be asked for assistance in contacting the players.

Your first step is to contact your opponent and get their agreement that there was an error.  You can use the Handbook or the online directory on the Booking Portal to make contact.  Once there is agreement you need to raise the error with the Director of the session. If you cannot directly contact the director, email the Office and they will pass the information on to the Director.

In Duplicate Games – Official’s error

9.5. Scoring errors made by officials may be corrected at any time up to the start of the corresponding session the following week.

Should you discover an error for a game that was manually scored you should firstly contact the Director.  They should be able to verify the error against the traveler’s and make any amendments necessary.

Events & Congresses

For Events and Congresses, the time to report an error are shorter

10.11. In the final session of events, scores will only be altered until the announcement of placegetters at the completion of the session.

In congresses and single day events you will typically only have 30 mins following the session to resolve a scoring error as the draw for the next session typically depends on the results from the prior session. You still need to get agreement from the opponents before raising it with the director.

Results not be changed after place getters are announced. So, if you believe there has been an error report it to the Director immediately. We recommend you get the hand record and check your scores immediately after they become available.

10.12. Scoring errors made by officials may be corrected at any time up to the start of the next session.

Masterpoints Corrections

If a correction affects the masterpoints awarded then if it is corrected by the Director before the end of the month in which the error occurred the Masterpoints will be automatically corrected but if the error is corrected after the end of a month you will need to advise the Club MasterPoints Secretary who can manually adjust the awarded MPs.

In Summary.

Errors will occur from time to time and the result of both pairs contributing to the error where Bridgemates are used to score the hand.

  1. Confirm with your opponent’s agree there is an error and what the correct information should be.
  2. Provide this information to the Director (preferably in writing).
  3. Be aware of the timeframes involved.
  4. Contact the Masterpoint Secretary if the error was corrected after the end of the month it occurred.

The complete Club Rules are available at WBC Club Rules

Incorrect scores – on BBO Games

While the results of the BBO games are shown on our website these are indicative only as the scoring and Master Pointing of these games are done by the ABF. There is no redress available for any differences between the Masterpoints shown on our website those awarded by the ABF for BBO game